For eight years in the 1990s, Attorney Charles Ware hosted the extremely popular legal advice radio program "The Lawyer's Mailbox"; the Number One (#1)legal advice radio program in the Mid-Atlantic Region,on WEAA - 88.9 FM, Morgan State University Radio in Baltimore, Maryland.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Maryland appears to be making an effort to catch up to other states in the area of  divorce.
Three new laws have been passed and are now in effect concerning divorce grounds and procedures :
(1) The first law reduces the time from one year to six months the time needed for one of the parties to reside in Maryland if the grounds (legal reason) for divorce occurred outside the State of Maryland.
(2) The second new law removes elements of the limited divorce ground that required voluntariness of the separation and the absence of any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.  In other words, it recognizes that if the parties no longer live together and one of them no longer wants to continue the marriage relationship, neither a court nor the State of Maryland should prevent the limited divorce process.
(3)  The third important change in Maryland divorce law is an entirely new ground (or legally good enough reason) for divorce. Basically, this new rule allows a couple who have worked out all the terms  of their divorce, and who have no children in common, to avoid waiting up to a year before petitioning the court for a divorce. I call this new rule or procedure a "consent motion". This new process also potentially allows this same couple, where finances are tight, to live in the same house while in the process of a divorce.

[ Premier divorce and family law attorney Charles Ware is Maryland-based and nationally-respected.
 For an initial courtesy consultation, contact attorney Charles Ware at (410) 720-6129 or (410) 730-5016.]

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