For eight years in the 1990s, Attorney Charles Ware hosted the extremely popular legal advice radio program "The Lawyer's Mailbox"; the Number One (#1)legal advice radio program in the Mid-Atlantic Region,on WEAA - 88.9 FM, Morgan State University Radio in Baltimore, Maryland.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

LEAD PAINT DEFENSE : Toxic Water, China Toys, Mexican Candy, et al.  " Here to make a Difference. Maryland-based, and Nationally-respected."

Though disproportionately blamed for urban lead poisoning, lead paint is certainly one source --- but certainly not the sole source of toxic lead in our nation.

As recent events  in the Flint, Michigan river lead water disaster have revealed, there are other sources of toxic lead in our environment besides lead-based paint in pre 1978-built houses and apartments.

Having been mined and used extensively for over 6,000 years throughout the world, lead (Pb) is virtually everywhere in the earth's environment.  This includes : the air we breathe, our pipes and plumbing, soils,dust,, factories and both old and new industrial sites, other job sites, schools and government buildings, commercial buildings, foods and drinks we consume, other products we use and consume, many foreign-made products such as Mexican candy, foreign-produced wines and drinks, China-made products such as toys, furniture, cooking and kitchenware, cosmetics, hobby items, jewelry, etc. --- and yes, our American drinking water, among many other sources.

It should be remembered that lead (Pb) is a  malleable, utilitarian, heavy metal (Atomic Number 82), that does not dissolve in water, nor decay, nor dissipate, nor burn. Lead just lasts, and lasts, and lasts --- far longer than our lifetimes. Those are the main reasons why there is currently so much lead in the earth's environment.

Humans ingest and inhale lead from more than just lead-based paint.

[ Premier landlord lead paint defense attorney Charles Jerome Ware is Maryland-based, and nationally-respected for his successful legal defense of clients sued for lead poisoning.  For an initial courtesy consultation, contact Attorney Charles Ware at (410) 720-6129 or (410) 730-5016. ]

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