For eight years in the 1990s, Attorney Charles Ware hosted the extremely popular legal advice radio program "The Lawyer's Mailbox"; the Number One (#1)legal advice radio program in the Mid-Atlantic Region,on WEAA - 88.9 FM, Morgan State University Radio in Baltimore, Maryland.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

DUI & DWI LAWS : HOWARD COUNTY, MD., D.C. & BEYOND : "MD. BEST 10 ATTORNEY" [AIDUIA]                    "Here to make a Difference."

Premier defense attorney Charles Jerome Ware is Columbia-based, nationally-recognized and respected, and ranked by his many satisfied clients as well as his legal peers as one of Maryland's "BEST 10 DUI and DWI ATTORNEYS" [AIDUIA]. For an initial courtesy consultation, contact premier defense attorney Charles Ware at (410) 720-6129.

All  local jurisdictions --- including Howard County, and states --- including Maryland, define driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above 0.08 percent as a crime. Specific laws and penalties, however, vary considerably from state to state.

For example, 42 states ---including Maryland, and the District of Columbia, the Northern Marianda Islands and the Virgin Islands have administrative license suspensions (ALSs) on the first DUI or DWI offense. In Maryland, that ALS is at least 45 days. In D.C. it is 2 to 90 days or until disposition of the case.

Just about all states have some type of ignition interlock law, in which judges and agencies require all or some convicted drunk drivers to install interlocks in their cars to analyze their breath and disable the engine if alcohol is detected.  Twenty states ( and 4 California counties) have made ignition interlocks mandatory or highly incentivized for all convicted drunk drivers, even first-time offenders.
D.C.'s  interlock ignition program is discretionary. Maryland's program is mandatory for high BAC (greater than 0.15) convictions.

Federal law mandates that states adopt "open container" and "repeat offender" laws in compliance with specific requirements. Otherwise, portions of the state's surface transportation funding is transferred to the state DOT or State Highway Safety Office. Both D.C. and Maryland have both "open container" as well as "repeat offender" laws.

Alcohol exclusion laws allow insurance companies to deny payment for treatment of drunk drivers' injuries, but they have limited doctors' abilities to diagnose problems and recommend treatment. Some states have repealed these laws.

Drunk driving is taken very seriously by law enforcement, judicial and administrative agencies in all states. Here, at Charles Jerome Ware, LLC, we too --- in turn-- take your defense against these charges very seriously. You have a lot to lose with a drunk driving conviction. Let us help you.

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