For eight years in the 1990s, Attorney Charles Ware hosted the extremely popular legal advice radio program "The Lawyer's Mailbox"; the Number One (#1)legal advice radio program in the Mid-Atlantic Region,on WEAA - 88.9 FM, Morgan State University Radio in Baltimore, Maryland.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Vertical Restraints on Lead Paint Enforcement in the U.S. : Residential Landlords Lose, Paint Manufacturesr Win

www.charlesjeromeware,com  "Here to make a Difference.  Maryland-based, Nationally-respected.'

Particularly in certain large urban areas in the United States like Baltimore and Boston, etc., toxic lead is everywhere : including the air we breathe, the water we drink and use, food and drink we consume, in the soil and dust, in foreign products of all kind that we buy, in many other products we use and consume, in industrial sites, government and commercial buildings, as well as in many pre-1978 built houses and apartments, etc. This is unfortunate because, in sufficient amounts, lead has been medically and scientifically established to be harmful to the human body --- especially in children under the age of 6. Paint manufacturers have known, and should have known this for many years before leaded paint was outlawed for consumer use (in houses and apartments, etc.) by the
Federal government in 1978.

The problem is that, while lead is virtually everywhere as asserted above, the focus of plaintiffs' lead poisoning claims and lawsuits have mainly been geared towards hapless, small-time residential landlords -- instead of the paint manufacturers. What few class action lead cases that have been brought against these formidably giant corporations in states such as California, etc., generally have not ended well for the plaintiffs. The paint companies have won, predominantly.

Unlike a few other toxic products, lead is not going anywhere. It stays in the earth's environment, and will continue to stay in the earth's environment, for thousands of years. It is reported that the scientific "half-life" of lead (Pb) is over 500,000 years.

Lead is a malleable, soft, useful and utilitarian, heavy metal (Atomic Number 82) that does not dissolve in water, nor decay, nor dissipate, nor burn. It just lasts, and lasts, and lasts.

[ Premier landlord lead paint and poisoning defense attorney Charles Jerome Ware is Maryland-based and nationally respected for his successful legal representation of many landlords charged with lead poisoning.  For an initial courtesy consultation, contact Attorney Charles Ware and his staff at (410) 720-6129 or (410) 730-5016. He can help you.

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